• Profile photo of josh

    josh posted an update 5 weeks ago

    5 weeks ago

    Skywalker OG autoflower 50/50 soil/coco-coir mix. Estimated harvest date was 11/18 I feel like we’re running late 😂🤣 all grow dots and recharge.

    lakeeriemonster, saul-d-terpman and 7 others
    • What else did you use to get those claws on your leaves? Unless you overdosed the grow dots that won’t happen.

      • I definitely over did the grow dots, I had mixed it for 5 gal, ended up being 3 gallon. Stoned mistake 🤣

      • Profile photo of josh

        josh posted an update 8 weeks ago

        8 weeks ago

        HELP!! HELP!!Hey DGC, happy Saturday. I have a grow question, im starting to get a bit frustrated, my last two grows have just sucked. I dont know if i just got semi lucky on my first or what. Im currently running barneys farm skywalker og autoflower. She’s in a 50/50 coco-coil/soil mixture (3 gal.) I mixed in 3.5 tablespoons of growdots and…

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        captenkush and pharocityfarms
        1 Comment
        • Id start with your invironment. My leaves droop down the last hour or so before lights out. Showing me that they have reached there DLI comfort zone. Maybe too cool. Too hot usually the leaves taco. They also droop if they are under or over watered. Whats your PH? Auto dont like to be stressed for long so hopefully this will help with…

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        • Hey guys, I’m pretty sure two of my autoflowers have nutrient lockout. This is first time I’ve grown in coco-coir and the first time I have dealt with lockout. 70% of info I’m reading is telling me to flush the plants. The other are telling me to not flush, but rather water kn PH water only until the plant has utilized the nutrients…

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          • Sorry to hear your having issues. I’m no expert but if I had that issue I would give em a good drench with plenty of run off with some ph balanced water. You could check your run off to see what the ph is now and see if that’s even the issue. Let em get a nice dry back after the drench. Hope this helps and you get em straightened out.

          • Okay if you guys would please try to help me understand something. As a new grower I’m having a kind of hard time understanding why these botanical terps are getting such a bad rapport. My last grow, I grew from seed and I spent 16+ weeks growing something that i didn’t find out until like the 6th or 7th week of flower, that therr was…

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