I’ve done the same thing because I didn’t realize that my temperature was getting that low at night 58°. My seeds popped out of the soil on November 8th so it’s been around 11 weeks of slow growth but it all changed when I put the heater in and maintained a night time temperature of 78° and now I feel like the jolly green giant 🙃
burny -
I do have a empty coffee container in my kitchen just for coffee grounds and egg shells for my composting and add it to all of my old soil from my grows and it works great.
ohigrow, Smokalottapotamus and oldestschool -
The only problem with coffee in the grow room is, is that you end up leaving your cup in there.
nappyterps, ohigrow and 3 others -
What is causing this discoloration in my two Bruce Banners and the 4 Afghan Skunk are doing great. The only difference is the soil. The Bruce Banners are in ocean forest and the 4 skunks are in strawberry fields.
BePennjier, cannasota and 2 others-
This is most likely due to the pH going out of range a bit. This is not any indication of a lack of minerals. Stress on the roots can make a plant act wonky.
3 -
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FFOF is an amended soil. I would first look to my water source’s pH to make sure it’s between 6-7. Are you supplementing any other nutrition?