potgoblin420 posted an update
7 weeks ago (edited)
Good morning from the great state of Ohio i was listening to some shows at work yesterday and caught some terrible misinformation about Ohios cannabis laws you are allowed to purchase/possess 2.5 onces of flower and 15 grams of concentrates outside of your residence there is no limit on what you can have at home adults 21 and over can have 6 plants with a max of 12 per household
mohaha and surfdad_grows-
I was confused too. I moved from Ohio a month before legalization last year (my luck) and that definitely wasn’t what was proposed. Had to call my friends back home to clarify
@undefined yeah I think the person who shared the information was confused with the word possession which just mean what you can have on you outside of your home I can understand why they may have thought that but it was bad info so I figured I would set things straight