• I grow in a basement now. We use to call ourselves gorilla growers. I havent grown for a few years. When i started looking into it i told my wife. ITS HAPPENED ! ! SHe said what ? I said all if the pot smokers gave turnned into scientist and weed into a science. Man everything has changed so much !! Including the laws in fine state of Va. its legal now. I am sixty one and have waited most if my adult life to just be able to grow without threat of prison. Tobthe question. My grow space is vertically challenged and a couple if my large are just that large. Their their almost a month into flower. I couldn’t use rthe scroging technique so I basically built a trellis on each bucket. Will tucking them into places stress the plants at this stage of growth. Dont want any hermies or nanners. Any wisdom would be welcimed. I check in em every day and so far so good.

      variant, pungolian and 6 others
      • Top early and often.

        • Hard to tell how much room you got there. They looking pretty healthy and a little big to be stress training at this stage of flower. If you had the room you could lean them over and grow them side ways lol jk

          So it looks like an old school grow. We all did it that way decades ago. Looks good and hoping for a good crop when your done.

          Nice job on the diy bucket trellis 👍