Wouldn’t hurt! I’m taking it this time. I’ll have to find my manual but I believe it was 2 years of warranty. They’re shipping domestic now, I hear, so that might be worth the paper it’s written in at least.
I bought the Aglex 800 last June on Amazon. There’s always a $150 off coupon too, it appears. It was another $60 for the cables to get the drivers out of the tent (-15° up high!) and has performed kick ass for my needs. I use Conroller 69’s on everything and it interfaces well with a $10 cable.
I’ll take another for that price!!
casadelwhacko posted an update 2 months ago
Sitting in the grow sipping coffee while just watching all these ladies be beautiful! I keep staring at this Grape God and the smell is phenomenal. Gifted clone with zero idea of where it stands along the family tree, so I’m going to keep taking cuts from the mother until it looks like it might be degrading. Wishing I knew somewhere local to…
Thanks for the cue to tissue culture: some time ago youtube recommend me a channel and I had completly forgotten about it. It might be something for @scottyreal as well. The channel is called “Plants in Jars”. Give it another decade or so and everyone is doing tissue culture at home 😜
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWVjYbvsIaA- View 2 replies
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