• Profile photo of Mystic

    Mystic posted an update 3 weeks ago

    3 weeks ago (edited)

    Have one question I planted this random loud seed I got an im almost possitve that it’s a female but I’m not 100% sure I took some pics threw a jewelers loop an was wonder if you guys could help me sex it the plant is 9 weeks old also this is a photo an not a an auto flower

    • So far you’re looking good.

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    • I’m still learning myself, I will speak on things I’ve encountered and what I did if it did provide positive results, other growmies going through the exact thing like I did this morning with a guy in the discussions, same exact thing I just went through. That’s how I found DGC, yeah, it was definitely something about scottyreal that makes you…

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    • Update I was locked out of the app couldn’t get in kept saying my password was wrong even when I would change it finally got in an wanted to give an update on the plant I call miracle if you have been following my crazy grow she is the only one out of 3 that I started with that has made it this far we are a few weeks away from Harvest an im…

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    • I have a question I was thinking about using grow dots next grow instead of nutrients would it be okay to add the grow dots to my happy frog an ocean forest soil with the soil already having nutrients in it I am not sure if it would be to much all at once or would I need to switch soils to use the grow dots

    • I left for the weekend an came back to this I fed before I left an it didn’t look like this on the previous feed I left Friday an just got back today 🙃

      • It would seem impossible, almost for it to be anything other than a different ratio on the nutrients. Or some kind of Insane swing on your pH. Did you by chance add a PK booster?

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      • Plants in flower really like their potassium… that’s the fuel that they put in the flower for the seeds that they think they’re going to produce but hopefully never do

        • Dubvillain (edited)

          It looks like nute burn. Back off in the nutes by half and see where you are. Jeez this app is so slooooww. Edited because I want to say this nute burn accours on the lower portion first and goes up the plant, it doesn’t happen over night it’s kinda delayed so the burn has been going on for a few feedings it looks like. I would use one third to…

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      • Profile photo of Mystic

        Mystic posted an update 2 months ago

        2 months ago (edited)

        My ppms where way to high so I been flushing with ph distilled water with no nutrients I’m wondering since ita been a week is this a deficiency or new growth we are in flower almost week 2 any advise would be greatly appreciated since I am new to this indoor growing scene thank you in advance Dez

        • It probably would have been better to just water in with a lower ppm than attempting a flush. Flushing in the middle of a grow is an absolute last resort. I’d try to start feeding them again for sure. They are in the stretch period, and will consume quite a bit of nutrients during this time. If your not already, try adding something with…

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          • Newleaf (edited)

            You also could have done just a regular watering with water one day then nutes the next. With out a ton of runoff like you would with a flush. A little more info about your nutrient source and media type will help some others that have a little more experience with this type of grow style. I run an organic setup with bigger pots and liquid ferments.

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          • I made the mistake of forgetting to check the ppms untill week 5

            • I didn’t start adding nutrients until week 5 cause of the soil I’m using

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            • I’m running the GH 3part as well but I started filling my gallon jug a little below the handle maybe 1-2”, after each nutrient I add 1/2 solo cup of water( each nutrient cup is filled 1-1.5” with that portion of water from my jug) I used Advance Big bud and Candy also so after it’s all mixed, top your jug off with your plain water. It keeps… Read more

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