• RDGC News

    Latest version of the app fixes:

    Repeating comments

    Crashing when visiting groups

    Groups look a little different and the app has been noticeably faster for me.

    You can now edit your comments on the app!

    If you have problems with the app, be sure to delete the app you have and install the latest version from the store.

    If that doesn’t work,…

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    yano, joes_grows and 24 others
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  • This app is genius. This is exactly what I want out of social media. All growers and stoners showing dank nugs and beautiful plants

    crazydaze412, backyard-boogie and 13 others
  • Hello DGC, I’m pretty new to growing with only a few harvests under my belt. Everything has ran pretty smoothly but recently I’ve noticed some brown spots forming in the center of my fan leaves on one of my ladies. It’s a mystery seed from fastbuds that’s in week 5 of flower. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    terpking, QualicumChronic and 8 others
    • Calcium deficiency is what it looks like to me. (Most common thing I get besides magnesium). The trick is it doesn’t look like it needs more magnesium…only calcium.

      Also, you can’t be sure it doesn’t HAVE enough calcium. There could be a co-factor that is preventing the plant from getting enough calcium. (Could be too much of another…

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    • Think its just her finishing off.

      No wurys mate👍🔥

      • First step with brown spots on your leaves is to determine if it is a deficiency or a fungal problem. So if the spots go over the veins on the leaves it’s most likely a fungal problem but if they stay in-between the veins it is most likely a deficiency. I see a lot of people confusing this and treating for the wrong thing. But I would say at…

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        • What’s your feed look like? The medium looks moist – did these plants just receive nutes?

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      • Good Morning DGC!! Joheim, calling out from the Red Dirt again.

        I’m not going to clog up the servers with my whole grow log(that’s on another site), but I will drop the odd update here with the Crew. Why? Because I wouldn’t have these seeds were it not for “The Dude Grows Show”, Specifically, you, “Banner”.

        Anyway I won one of DJ Short’s…

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        QualicumChronic, sasquatchimo and 6 others
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