ohigrow posted an update
lakeeriemonster, odbudz and 5 others-
With fabric pots are you able to see or feel moisture on the sides?
Only when I water, it’ll occasionally come out the sides if I go too fast. I usually water every other day but I move them around every day. If any feel light I’ll give them half the usual to hold them over. 3 days seems to be too long between, they dry out too fast. Idk how they do outside, I’ve only used them in the tents.
I was thinking I might try inserting a 2 inch strip of clear plastic along the side of my next pot. Cover with tape so I can remove and hopefully get a look at what’s going on in there. Not just moisture. Roots, soil, bugs etc…
I’ve seen some on Amazon with Velcro windows like the tents have.
I think they were for potatoes…
They do stay rather dry around the edges. I’ve been using happy frog soil exclusively so far. It kinda shrinks up towards the end, sometimes leaving a little space between the soil and fabric. After harvest when I break it up there are 3 very distinct root layers. The top is dense, dry and about 3 inches thick. The middle is much looser, moist and 4 inches. The bottom is dense, dryer than the middle and 3 inches. The very bottom of that one is usually very dry and holds its form when I dump it. Almost like a thick Frisbee of dead root tips. So there’s a bunch of info you didn’t ask for. 😂
Figured someone probably made something similar already. I do have some Yukon potatoes going in a bucket now. Pretty cool way to grow potatoes.
I’m thinking about trying some carrots in a bucket for the kids. Also trying to come up with other things they can have in there.. Actually, I’m gonna start a discussion about that in a few minutes.
I just pulled one to see. Wish I could remember when I planted these. Maybe still growing? They were kind of an afterthought… Definitely putting up a whiteboard in my greenhouse to track stuff better. This year was just beginners fun…