• I’m exclusively growing autos right now but still found this pretty funny. 🤣

      SurfDad_grows, tommy and 11 others
      • Do you care about cannabis’ gene pool in the future more than profit? I do. Fuck anyone ruining the gene pool with intersex and auto genes. They are both equally as bad. I see their greed, even with my eyes closed.

        • Ugh, more moderator bias. I grow autos so fuck me and the people that are breeding? What’s your problem guy? You can have your opinions but why be an asshole?

          • That’s what I hate about text. Strong opinions can come off the wrong way. I think homie might just be passionate. But from the little I know of both of ya, you are both passionate but also cool. You can tell me to fuq off its ok…

            • What’s crazy is if you go to the pros list of sponsors there is a breeder who has a ton of autos. I wonder if they would appreciate that comment. From a business standpoint comments like that will cost money. Whether it’s from sponsors or potential producers like me… Also, who wants to post content if you get responses like that from moderators? I’m sure I’ll keep posting, but I avoid social media because of things like this…

            • I just hope it settles is all…