• Ethos mix. Grandpa’s stash × peach crescendo *Lovin’s cut. Ballers Game and Colin OG. 7 weeks since sprout taking it slow topped them once. In 2 gal pots mother earth coco-peat mix with Down to Earth organic dry amendments, veggie mix, bio fish, crab meal, langbeinite, and humic. Couple more weeks on the irie genetics girls in the flower tent…

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    NotAMaster, niceguykenny and shoddyfusion
  • Ethos freebie pack of apples and bananas autos. Growing in taller than normal plastic pots layered with Mother Earth coco-peat mix amended with Down to Earth flower on the bottom and veg up top and worm castings. 40 days since planted and 2 weeks since showing sings of flower. Top dressing with more flower amendments and castings this weekend.…

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    ohigrow, SurfDad_grows and shoddyfusion
  • @scottyreal @jmystro 👋 bros, my Recharge showed up at 4am today, thanks Amazon, I get up at 5 anyway. Grabbed it running out the door for work and notice that it felt like a brick, solid.

    Arrive home from work and get the clear shipping bag opened then rip open the recharge. Yep solid black brick, I chipped off a corner.

    All my…

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    • Tell your local shop to order and stock recharge for you because you regularly use it in your garden!

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    • Is that recharge really not good anymore? Mine showed up like that also but was my first time purchasing and I’m a new grower. I’ve been using it with no issues.

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    • Looks like the package may have been punctured at some point allowing moisture in.

      • Bro Amazon abuses my Recharge! There outta be a law. Hmu w/ your address and order # and I’ll resend it myself. Maybe with a couple goodies 😉 Do you grow autos or pop beans? Somewhere they’ve got a bin of damaged Recharge they randomly pull from! Growers love and thank you for the support!

        • Mine also showed up like this from Amazon and have been using with good results, but looks like I’m going right to the real growers website next time!

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        • Reply to Is anybody else wondering why...

          @scottyreal The post looked like this. The name is now gone. J must have booted the bot

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