• Profile photo of PharocityFarms

      PharocityFarms posted an update

      8 weeks ago

      Hello, first timw chatter! I found this community from the youtube videos. I was wondering, when should we actually start feeding liquid fertilizer to seedlings? I am also a first time grower and just wanted to see if I can keep the plants alive long enough to produce lol. Next month I will be getting hp pro mix, but as of right now, i just have top soil with little nutes in it. I bought the MaxiSeries liquid food line and plan to follow it’s feeding chart from the site, which is way more detailed then the label. I also have the absolute basic vivosun 2×4 with a 100w light. Im not sure if a 100w that flowers a 3×3 area would do great over the whole tent so i was going to only use about 2-3 ft of the tent. Oh the MaxiSeries also calls for calimag so I purchased it. All products are General hydroponics because I figured I might as well stick with one manufacturer during a grow. I apologize if this is long, and if I am not using this source correctly. Thanks to anyone interested in helping guide me. Im passionate about my medicine and very much want to grow myself. My mother is in bad health and my sister is as well. She is going through liver failure due to complications with diabetes and blood pressure. I dont know all the deets but she recently lost her sight and legs. I currently care for them as much as possible, along with my two kids. Both of their doctors have suggested thc and cbd products to help with symptoms. Mom is on oxygen and dialysis and wants to try to seek better pain management then the pain killers she’s depended on for yrs now. She admits she’s addicted to them and it’s hard to see you know? Anyways, we all know how expensive despensaries can be, and growing my own just makes sense.

      sunny, Cannasota and 4 others