That’s so cool!
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You gotta keep us posted on this man. Good luck with her!!!
@no-nanners This I shall do😁
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@no-nanners thank you sir!!! All the good vibes to you and your plant!
@no-nanners Someone just brought up a good point. phyllotaxy. Due to the swirling! So now Im not sure if its a triploid cuz phyllotaxy also causes 3 nodes instead of 2. Each are unstable mutations that you basically enjoy while it lasts. Ive never heard of phyllotaxy till this post.
@PharocityFarms At least you get to enjoy it while it last man. Consider it a blessing!
Diploids have 20 chromosomes. Triploids have 30😱!! With all the combinations we have with just 20, imagine what random surprises a mutated triploid could drop in thw phenome department🤓
I feel like a nerd💯💪
@PharocityFarms but I don’t think triploids can be crossed back with diploids so any special pheno or breeding will forever be on the triploid side of the fence.
@frogslayer Thats why i used the word surprise 😊.
We can kinda force triploids, but them being sterile, they cant breed, this is true. So once you get one, thats it, you can’t really clone it either. Which I assume means its possible but not successful enough to depend on. It’s like a random mystery box just for yourself to enjoy. At least for us growers on small scale grows lol.
Whorled Phyllotaxy?
@budwinjones There is definitely swirling to the first couple nodes, but those nodes were also kinda funky. The top node growing now isn’t swirled as prominently as the one before it The one before, was REALY swirled, and turned out healthier then the bottom ones. But the top one also hasnt started to lay down yet so the swirl may show more. Im not sure what that means for cannabis though. You taught me a new word lol. what does that mean for the plant?
@budwinjones I’ll definitely pay attention to it and document more pictures for research and deets
@budwinjones waaaait a minute i just REALLY looked it up lol. So is this phyllotaxy, or triploid lol? It’s always had a swirl to it, and all nodes have 3 instead of 2.
@PharocityFarms you couldn’t know if it was triploid without genetic testing I didn’t think…
@budwinjones I’ve always known it as Phyllotaxy. I’m actually currently trying to get one of my strains to true breed for this trait.
3 cola turns into 6 colas, and the top makes a great clone….just sayin!