• This is a ganja farmer kush auto I won from 420 hour. There are no bugs, or at least from what I can see with a 40x loupe. This happened to the plants that are in my 2×4 also, which stopped experiencing this issue a couple nodes later. So most likely, by my logic, it is due to the conditions/environment I put it in. Any ideas? Organic grow in promix + 444 mix on the hot side of whats recommended (it calls for 1-2tbs per gallon and I used 2tbs). Vegging it under a 100watt, at 75%, 18″ above. The same as I did to the plants before, that experienced the same issue.

      • Leaf deformities are typically root related like from an out of range pH.

        • @jmystro ph ph ph 🤯🤣 Organics is tougher then I thought. At least with synthetic nutes like the 3part GH I used, it’s all math. Maintain and monitor the ec and ph of the water, and adjust accordingly. With organics you gotta strategize and plan ahead like a professional game of chess. Except your opponent isnt some runny nosed pimpled up 12 yr old genuis who made it into college straight out of the womb. Its mother nature, and she made up the rules😅

          • @jmystro Could it be my nutrients i use? The calcium in it is NOT water soluble, but all the magnesium is, which is in the form of magnesium sulfate. Could that be causing my ph imbalances Ive been experiencing over the past month, that you have seen in my plants? I also dont see iron and other macros on the bag, which doesnt mean it doesnt have it, but it would be nice to have it listed. Either way, I am buying Gia greens 444 and bloom this week. I know for a fact it is used for weed lol

            • @PharocityFarms Root stress can cause all kinds of random shit. Young seedlings need little to no nutrition the first few weeks. Nothing to be concerned about if the new growth is healthy. What happened in the root zone a few days ago while that leaf was forming may not be relevant today. Seedlings tap root will be sensitive to change until it gets established. Weak upper growth is due to weak root growth.

            • @jmystro I stuck straight in soil ammended with the normal 2 tbs per gallon so yeah its probably too hot. Plus I didnt think about the fact that seedlings dont have very many roots, and I do believe the seed provides all the nutes it needs to start out. So the soil it touches matters that much more even. And when you put it that way, organics can be “hot” in some places and possibly inert in others. Not to mention that water changes the placement. Big plants can compensate for that with their massive amount of roots, taking what it needs, when it needs it.