• Hey friends!

      Can someone tell me if they m looking at a deficiency, toxicity, or something else.

      Beginning week 4 of flower, used and reammended Build A Soil 3.0, Recharge and Build A Soil Build A Bloom with every watering. Silicium once a week.

      Growers Love Adventure Pack,

      Thanks growmies!

      CaptenKush, bnr and Dr.strawberry
        • Where the leaf is from on the plant matters. Random damage on a single leaf could mean anything without context. We need to see the entire plant to help.

          • @jmystro sorry, should’ve included this also.

            It’s only the plant in the left.

            The spots circled in red, a few nodes down from the top of the branches.

            • @pickledrick They look fairly healthy right now and the original leaf pics lead me to believe something is up with the soil pH. Could be just a hiccup or a serious concern. Gotta check the soil pH to get an idea. The first sign of the pH swinging out of range is when you see twisting leaves and random splotching on the leaf. Nutrient deficiencies tend to start at the bottom, top or all over. This is why where the damaged leaves are on the plant matters. pH stress can show weird symptoms on the leaf the nutrient toxicities or deficiencies doesn’t do and show up randomly all over the plant, top, middle and bottom.
