• So here I have a lemon auto flower from seeds man the younger photo is from July 26 it was starting to flower, but it appears to me it has not finished vegging yet or has started re vegging I think I was lacking in nutes but I have since got a better handle on them. I use general hydroponics 3 bottle system. Any help would be appreciated thanks in advance!

    • I’ve grown thousands of seeds and know the reality. To find treasure I’ve had to dig through a mountain of trash. I’m never disappointed growing seeds because I expect them to be trash. The plant was underfed and now appears to be a bit hormonally confused. It happens with rudy.

      • Yeah I don’t know why an auto would reveg or if they even can. But I do gotta say it looks like you have over watered a little bit. And your grow space looks like wet as well. I doubt that is good. Could attract pest and mold. I try my best to keep my setup in a dry somewhat clean environment. But other than that. You sure do know what…

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        • SurfDad_grows (edited)

          I just dealt with a 4500 runoff ppm and was making my plants do weird things and sprouting re-veg leaves. I’m only saying this because your leaves present signs I had. Granted those are autos and I’m running photo. I haven’t gotten deep enough in research to see if super high ppm and another stress issue would cause a slight reveg IDK. Mine…

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        • Anyone know what’s up with this? Im new to growing it’s a lemon auto flower I started 6/8.



