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    battlemorph, badgarz and 11 others
  • Profile photo of Satori

    Satori posted an update 4 days ago

    4 days ago

    6 Mandarin Cookies 11 days into flower




    nederwiet21, tjrez and ohigrow
  • Profile photo of Satori

    Satori posted an update 4 days ago

    4 days ago

    What’s your guys thoughts on cannabis plants being empathetic to it’s growers medical needs and responding by trying harder to produce for you it’s best medicine possible.

    pungolian, pickledrick and 2 others
    • My plants would kick me in the balls because I burn them all the time….

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    • You absolutely should share the medical benefits with your plants and also remove a plant from a grow space before harvesting. Empathy works both ways.

      Try it all. Use moonwater, music, crystals, whatever works.

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    • My friend once asked while I medicating in the greenhouse if I thought it bothered the living plants that I was blazing. I told them no they actually like it because they know it’s their special purpose.

      • Guess it’s a little heady of a question. I personally feel my plants really want to make me the best medicine they can specifically for what ails me because I spend so much time around them and they know my medical struggles. Kinda like a pet being extra kind because they can tell your sick except the plant shows kindness with extra Kind Bud.

        • I think, when treated right, our plants want to produce the best medicine they can. That being said, if you find a strain that works for you, grow it out for a couple of years and learn it. Then they’ll produce the specific best medicine you want.

        • Reply to Three different expressions

          Awesome story, thank you. I think with the industry pressure of needing new strain drops every year that the genetic can’t be heavily stabilized by breeding it back into itself for ten years and even then you get variations in seeds.

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