• Help with a new grow.

      I’m working on my first grow using grow dots and recharge. I have two plants in a tent in my basement. I haven’t seen any pests in previous grows, they were DWC, and only one plant is affected.

      Does this look familiar to anyone?

      odbudz and arsixx
      • TerpyTen (edited)

        calcium…. I had that SO many times when i first started growing. Then I stated adding ag lime and dolomite lime to the soil and i give them light doses of bottled cal mag otc from TPS during the stretch. Seems to have solved all those problems

        • goodguycanna (edited)

          Do you got any decaying plant material in the room?

          • A plant from years ago. She also needed nitrogen but yeah.. The spotting

            • To properly help you we really need to see the whole plant, not just a leaf. We need to know where on the plant the leaf is. Is every leaf affected or just a few? If 1 or 2 bottom leaves show a slight issue but new growth is healthy, then it’s probably not really a problem. If the top of the plant has leaves looking like this then it’s an issue with calcium, but pH is just as important in coco as water culture. Check runoff to get an idea what the pH and mineral buffer of the coco is. If pH is in range and the entire plant is showing symptoms, then you just need a little calcium bump.

              • No decaying plant matter in the tent. I did have some in a garbage can outside the tent which was emptied two days ago.

                These two leaves on the bottom and one other in the middle had a single spot. I can take full pictures when I get home in a couple of hours.

                I’m growing in cocoa with perlite and wor castings mixed in. I also buffed the cocoa with cal mag before planting the seeds.

                should I water with some cal mag added?

                • A little cal-mag at a low dose could be beneficial. Sometimes lower growth is neglected and as long as the new growth is healthy, there’s not much to be concerned about. If the issue persists even on new growth, then start with about 1/2 tsp per gallon of cal-mag in your water and see how it responds. Gotta be very careful not to use too much calcium that’s why I recommend you start with low doses.

                  • @rick-from-sunnyvale thank you. I still have some cal-mag from my sec setup. I’ll add a little and watch for changes.

                  • Extra pictures of the plant.