Freaken fungus gnats 😠😡😡
Any advice?
Sasquatch, surfdad_grows and 2 others-
Sticky traps and let your plants dry back more that usual. Fungus gnats love moisture.
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Mosquito dunks or bits. Usually they only sell one of these in an area but they are made from the same stuff. The bits/dunk release a beneficial bacteria into the water and then you have water that kills the larval state of the fungus gnats.
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I could find bits so I crushed up a dunk and watered it in top. I also spread diatomaceous earth on top. Started to bottom water ACI trays. Top water once a week with recharge
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Hey I’ve been typically on the same page used mosquito bits on fresh soil then rove beetles, beneficial mites and nematodes from there unless something gets out of balance I have had no significant issues with that. Was looking for the conversation I saw this morning to paste it on here to credit @jmystro with the very thorough breakdown…
“Urine for it” by Bloodshot Genetics starting week 8
Feed with Mantis nutrients and Recharge 👍👍
Gonna have to look for a substitute for the Recharge when i start to get low since not available here anymore 🙁😟
rsbruneau posted an update a week ago
a week ago (edited)
Start of week 8 for this “Urine in for it” Photo by Bloodshot Genetics, got it just cause of the name 😆, thats filling out my 3×3 thinking biggest single plant I’ve grow 😀 😄 the 4×4 is full of AuAutoat different weeks from 5 to 7 loving life 🤩🥰
rsbruneau posted an update 2 months ago
rsbruneau posted an update 3 months ago
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