And to add to that, try a Fast Flower and see if that knocks off a couple weeks off the total grow which in turn either gives you down time (savings), or more yield over the year offsetting the cost to run the setup. Now I’m wondering….LOL
climate_reefer -
The Plant be like, “WTF is wrong with the Sun? I ain’t doing shit until it’s fixed!” 🤣
surfdad_grows -
Love how you explained this. This is what we are learning right now with our first grow. The thicker stalks have bigger and thicker bud sites so that tells me, had I known sooner, I should’ve used a 3 gal pot instead of a 5 gal. Would’ve had thicker roots, thicker stalks and thicker buds! My yield would have been amazeballz! Thanks for the info @jmystro
When a grower put all the love they can into their plants, the plant blesses in return!
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