HEEEELLLPPP!!! I love popping seeds but I do come across plants I want to keep around awhile. But I Steph-ugghle (struggle) when it comes to cloning. I need the EZ way. Talk cloning for 4th graders to me. I need a method. I’ve tried a few and out of 10 I’ll usually end up with 1 or 2 viable plants. The mom I have now is the second iteration of this clone. I have the ACI multipod clone done with lights and controller. I’ve used most “organic type” plugs. The pucks are my favorite. I hydrate the pucks with a wetting agent and aloe. After soaking my cuts at least 24 hours I dunk them in a cloning gel. Slide the cut into a pod. Place the pod into the clone dome. And I don’t touch that B for at least a week. Then I can never get them hardened off. Community I’m struggling please help. And I’ve watched the vids.
puravidafarms and Hash-
So many ways! I have used an aeorcloner for many years with great success… My second fave method is a humidome, solo cups, and some clonex… Methods are easy but a little lengthy to type out. Will gladly send a PM if you’re interested. Good luck regardless.✌️
You need an environment that you can keep the humidity 75 – 80% with temps constant 78-82 F. You can run your light cycle 18/6 or higher. Clones don’t need a lot of light so 150 – 250 ppfd. I recommend using clonex cloning solution to mix at a ph of 6.3 – 6.5 and an EC of 0400/.4 – 0500/.5
Be patient and give the clones a few weeks and you should see some results
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Hey grow bro, you in luck cuz Dude & Scotty have lots of shows on cloning.
Grow plugs tray and dome, heat mat with temp control. Clonex.
A bottle of clonex 10 mil to liter for spray solution too start 20 mil after a week.
Cut below node at 45* and soak 24 hours in the clonex spray solution.
Then I soak cubes in bucket with spray solution mix and recharge.
On clean table , I lay it all out. Bucket on floor next to me.
Grab a plug and shake out the excess water. 2 or 3 shakes will do. You just don’t want it dripping wet.
I use the top of a pin. The cap and with a large gauge needle I to suck out the clonex gell and inject it into the pen cap. Many ways to hold the cap. I use pudy to keep it standing up.
Set it down out of way.
Did I mention the bleach water
10% to clean table top and razor blades. All should already be cleaned.
Grab a plug, shack it, set it down. You can rip plug 1/2 to 3/4’s the way down or clear the hole in plug with chop stick. Clone should go in plug easily. I have done both ripped and just stuck it in on last tray of 40plus with over 90%.
With plug ready, I Grab clone and recut a little higher but still under node.
Dip clone in clonex gell, place clone in plug, place plug in tray.
I give then a spray every 4 or 5 plugs to keep them fresh.
Fill tray, give another spray and spray the dome also.
Cover with dome place on heat mat at 80* I spray 1st daily sometimes twice the first few days. I like to baby then. But under a t-5 blub and sprayed daily. Nothing else but waiting and watching.
Sometimes there a sleepers that’s fallen over and passed. Just take it out but not plug unless you got some long cleaned nettlenose to grab it. Careful not to bump or disturb other baby. Give spray close lid.
after 7 to 10 days, you will start seeing roots poking out around the top oh plugs. I let mine go 10 days.
careful loosen plug with some clean by poking up thru botton of plug holding tray. Just loosen them, don’t push them out all the way, they may break or damage roots.
Work carefully cuz your working with a hole tray of clones all in same trap. They are in lines of 7 so I work 1 row at a time.
I have 5 strains s I label all as I go.
Best of luck,
Watch some DGC shows on cloning
Happy grow
Yeah, I didn’t proof read it just sent it. If you need pics let me know
@oldestschool I’m good that’s the method I’m currently horrible at. But I do love coco coins for seeds.
Use an aero cloner.. no dome is even needed.. I have had nothing but success with 98% of my cuts since I switched to one. Something about getting constantly sprayed with nutrient rich water the girls love. And like I said no dome needed and you don’t have to hand mist with water…so no real hardening off. Just slowly increase the light.
Make sure your temps under the clones is good. Use a heating mat if need be. Upper 70’s is what I shoot for.
Well the good news is in all your frustration you’ve probably managed to keep only the strongest clones to fruition
@ol-no-7 dude I’m telling you. One in ground and one in pot. The pot is going to be the new mum. I put the old one in my closet flower this week. It got bigger than I wanted for a ten gallon fabric pot.