Hey I just had a brain wave that I wanted to share. I know @scottyreal @bnr @jmystro have used “Real Buckets”.? I asked a question a week or so ago about cloning. My answer is the bubble cloner. But as I just took a toke and looked at my (SIP containers). I thought, hmmm why doesn’t Scotty make a real bucket with oxygenated…
no-nanners and surfdad_grows-
Don’t know about a cloner but I do put H2O circulators in my real growers reservoir NOT an air stone.
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Air pump/stones are dependent on air quality. Never pump hot grow room air into your reservoir. Especially when supplementing CO2. Cool, low CO2 air is ok. 2-3 tsp per gallon of 3% hydrogen peroxide will increase dissolved oxygen (O2) in your reservoir water. That’s what I’d recommend.
HEEEELLLPPP!!! I love popping seeds but I do come across plants I want to keep around awhile. But I Steph-ugghle (struggle) when it comes to cloning. I need the EZ way. Talk cloning for 4th graders to me. I need a method. I’ve tried a few and out of 10 I’ll usually end up with 1 or 2 viable plants. The mom I have now is the second iteration of…
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So many ways! I have used an aeorcloner for many years with great success… My second fave method is a humidome, solo cups, and some clonex… Methods are easy but a little lengthy to type out. Will gladly send a PM if you’re interested. Good luck regardless.✌️
You need an environment that you can keep the humidity 75 – 80% with temps constant 78-82 F. You can run your light cycle 18/6 or higher. Clones don’t need a lot of light so 150 – 250 ppfd. I recommend using clonex cloning solution to mix at a ph of 6.3 – 6.5 and an EC of 0400/.4 – 0500/.5
Be patient and give the clones a few weeks and you…
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Hey grow bro, you in luck cuz Dude & Scotty have lots of shows on cloning.
Grow plugs tray and dome, heat mat with temp control. Clonex.
A bottle of clonex 10 mil to liter for spray solution too start 20 mil after a week.
Cut below node at 45* and soak 24 hours in the clonex spray solution.
Then I soak cubes in bucket with spray solution mix…
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Use an aero cloner.. no dome is even needed.. I have had nothing but success with 98% of my cuts since I switched to one. Something about getting constantly sprayed with nutrient rich water the girls love. And like I said no dome needed and you don’t have to hand mist with water…so no real hardening off. Just slowly increase the light.
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senorvertoyayubi posted an update 3 months ago
Guess who’s my favorite this cycle. I hope she’s not an auto!!! I just did this real time. I’m a new grower destined to be “The Beast of the East”. So happy, last bean, 🐐 🧬 tester. Double guava x Sour Perrozoso. These are the fattest leaves I’ve seen out of 12 total. From the last 3 tester runs ( 4 seeds first (kept 2 for clones) + 2 seeds + 2…
senorvertoyayubi posted an update 3 months ago
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