• Before I flipped to flower. I pulled clones from my Barney’s Farm Blue sunset sherbet and Acapulco gold. Rooted them put them outside they grew a few weeks then all of a sudden the Acapulco started flowering and is at full speed. The sunset is still vegging along normally. Was it the slight change in light going from 18-6 in the tent to a… Read more

    mikekenneth12, shabbas_vault and 2 others
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    • I haven’t done a reveg, but if they getting more than 12 hours of sun outside, I would think they would want to.

      Keeping it outside could get you some gnarly jumping in-between stages buds

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    • I’ll keep you guys posted

      • It really depends on where you live. There is no veg where I live. Put a plant outside and it will flower. Most cannabis plants will begin flowering when the dark period lasts between 7-8 hours. That’s about 16-17 hours of light a day. I only get 14 hours of sun a day and that’s not enough to stay in veg. She will flower with less than 10 hours…

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      • I’m north of Chicago

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      • Just realized that tomorrow is the longest day of the year so there really shouldn’t be any issues with the days getting shorter guess I just got a lucky early flower

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      • Good morning. Called in sick today just to chill and catch up on the DGC content! Y’all have an awesome ass day!

        terpy-dabshaw, TerpyTen and 9 others
      • Chop time tomorrow , 12wk Royal Gorilla by RQS. Got some nice colors , smells like funk and gas.

        DankLeefer, suruleus and 12 others
        1 Comment
      • Profile photo of Dude

        Dude posted an update 3 months ago

        3 months ago (edited)

        Clones looking great 3 days in! These are from 6 seeds I started Exotic Genetics ‘Falcon Heavy’ the strains mother is ‘Scotty2hotty’ LOL! For rooting hormones I have been using the cheap powder rooting hormone called ‘Promix Stim Root’ Love the AC Infinity heating pad with dial thermostat. Check em out…

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        cnote2faded, stickyscoobysnacks and 51 others
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        • Wishing I had your experience to be cloning like this!

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        • Loving this acinfinity setup! For $82 how can you go wrong? How many cuts did you fit in your dome? I’ve got my light and heat mat both dialed upto max. How about yours?

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        • jmystro (edited)

          It’s the middle of the summer. Why are we using heat mats in an 80F room that has a high of 92F? Are you trying to kill your clones?

          • bnr (edited)

            shit just got REAL – Dude is on social media!!!

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          • bnr

            I love the AC dome, but IMO the tray is kinda tight for plugs. i started flipping the plugs over for a little more root breathing room

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