Has anyone tried watering with Deuterium Depleted Water?
No such thing as too much water. Only not enough oxygen. The lack of oxygen that suffocates roots has nothing to do with any form of hydrogen.
They will not consume much water or minerals when they’re small. Their consumption will increase as they grow bigger.
Starting a list of known strains that love GrowDots
This is a great post…. I have coffee crisps and a cheese #1 strains with grow dots now…. Cheese did great last run and this clone I took that was in flower is insane. Have a ton of seeds I’m popping here soon of some autos I want to get out of the way. Will be posting results!
fraz -
Has anyone tried watering with Deuterium Depleted Water?
It’s ok to use but I wouldn’t spend money on it. Deuterium is 1 of 2 stable forms of hydrogen. It’s not very abundant in water so it’s not something I’d be concerned about removing.
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