• Deficiency, Toxicity, Wind/Light Burn, Root Issue? It’s an autoflower, I’m using grow dots in Coco Loco, i used the whole 75g pack(Too much?) in a 5gal pot. I water with my tap water and normally I would add cal-mag to it since I always end up with calcium deficiencies. I haven’t been using it with this one though, just adjusting pH. Some of the tips and edges are yellow like nutrient burn and the leaves look a darker green in person than through the shitty camera of my phone. Many of the leaves are clawing too. Some of the leaves look like they’re yellowing between the veins.

      Idk if its a deficiency and/or toxicity, maybe the soil has been too saturated for too long? It’s happened pretty fast

      odbudz, sunny and jmystro
      • This is an issue with potassium typically caused by under or over-watering coco. Usually under-watered. The curled down leaves are another clue. Nitrogen and potash are two elements that the plant needs in high amounts. When root hairs are damaged, they are the two symptoms most likely to show first. Grow Dots has plenty of potash so that’s not the issue. pH is rarely the issue with potash having such a wide pH range between 5-10. Only thing it could be is damaged roots. Root pests can also damage roots causing the same lockout.

        • SlamFM (edited)

          Idk what to do. Maybe just ride it out and see what happens. Unfortunately I don’t really have time for the next few days to do anything.