• Profile photo of SlamFM

      SlamFM posted an update

      2 months ago

      Some buds from the LSD-25. This stuff gives me a nod very similar to heroin, like falling asleep sitting at my computer. Not a user now but you never forget what heroin feels like.

      laidbackstoner, wraiths1 and plantparenthood
      • Not sure really what I was getting back then half the time. But got a hit of acid the size of a postage stamp once called lsd 25. Was supposed to be pure lsd. Was the cleanest trip I ever had.

        • @myokgarden I think LSD-25 is just an alt name. The guy who first synthesized it, it was his 25th synthesis. So some might refer to it as LSD-25. Idk, only psychedelic I’ve done is shrooms. Meth was more my thing.

          • Tried meth once. Once…

            Was pink and kept me up for 3 days. Think…? I know I read an entire Stephen King novel on Day 3… My body “I forget where” just shut off… Felt pretty good at the time though lol. Don’t do drugs. Glad it “was” your thing…

            • Lol 5 days straight was the longest I stayed up. I’ve got ADD so it didn’t make me crazy bouncing off the walls. It gave me a ton of energy but I was more chill and focused. And yeah drugs are bad, mmmkay. xD

            • I wish I could get prescribed “Adderall!” Probably need it. What’s that over there? See what I mean? I took a half a pill once and have never skateboarded better in my life. I would abuse so I probably shouldn’t🤔