ohigrow posted an update 3 months ago
3 months ago (edited)
Here’s what I’m running next, all autos. I’m most excited about the 3 OAG XL from Sweet Seeds. Someone recently posted pics of their Pound Cake that looked awesome. I hope mine turns out like that. These popped on 10/3 and got their first light feed with micro today. This will be my first run with General Hydroponics Flora Series. 🤞
odbudz, cheetahpiss and 3 others-
I’m doing the same…. All autos next run. Good luck man!!!
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Hey @Dude I was wondering if you could elaborate on the seeds, I found on my Seedherenow search. I put DGC in the search and found some seeds that look like they’re from you. Are you guys (Best Coast Genetics), doing your own seed packs?
That’s the pack from the DGC Cup one year, right? I think it was just the pack they released in honor of the cup, right?
Has anyone encountered this before? Wondering what is going on? Is it conjoined twins? I have an Auto that sprouted deformed and when it grows. Every node that branches has one really small branch and one big on the opposite side. To top it off, the bigger ones have broad wide leaves and the other has skinny leaves.
It’s a mutation that should be tossed. Incomplete dominance in pants won’t yield much. Blame the breeder for those genetics.
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Seeds are a gamble.
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It’s Lemon Haze Auto from Silver Leaf. I have 2 more to pop. I figure since she an auto I’ll just let her finish. Not worried about the yield. But if they all do this, Silver Leaf may get an email.
ddubya04 you where right, she hermed on me this morning. No pollen let loose yet. Getting pulled today. 😢
What Else You Have Growing Other Than Weed?
My Dahlia’s are still blooming 😀. I see frost in the near future so I’ll probably cut all of the good ones soon, they’ll look good in the kitchen for a bit. I had these little beatles tear up most of the purple but they left the rest of them alone.
ddubya04, rf440 and krommm - Load More