• Profile photo of somd_dabber17

      somd_dabber17 posted an update

      3 months ago

      Sorry for being MIA for little while. 2yo son had tonsils and adnoids taken out and god dam keeping him calm and comfortable throughout recovery is the most exhausting thing I’ve ever had to do. Anyways tents been sanitized and reset. Clones up potted into 3gals and seedlings now in 1 gals. Think i need to raise my light all the way but want these seedlings to get a little taller so can hopefully veg together and not have too much issues with height. Now that clones in the 3 gals probably gonna take off now. They used to be under light seedlings are now under. Next week or so will set up the blumats to the clones. Can’t really feed nutes through them without having to clean everything out real good multiple times so need to decide what ima do soil wise can’t go too big with container size but want to try a water only with some top dress as the nutes so can fully use blumats to their potential. Know living soil want a minimum of 7gal per plant but would like a water only soil where just need to top dress every now and then but haven’t done any homework on top dressing so got more reading to do lol

      goodguycanna, RASUFA and 5 others
      • Living soil is a 15 gal minimum if you want to the biology to stay alive. Grow dots in coco can be a water only deal. Pretty easy. Sorry about the kid man. That sucks. Hope he feels better

        • @RASUFA thank you. He’s doing much better now just rough when the Motrin and Tylenol wears off. yea haven’t decided what ima do yet. Everything still in 3 gals right now. Since i still have enough nutes left will prob just continue with what i have now. The rooted leaf nutes worked great and the smoke is even better but pain in the ass not being able to let the nute mix sit. Don’t wanna invest too much cuz once kid #2 is cookin grow room gets turned back into bedroom lol