spencermansion posted an update
I am new here. Been killing seedlings for the past 3 months but I just popped a bunch I am determined to get though this hurdle. Overwatering has been the killer I think. Did one round and determined that is what happened, so I moved to smaller containers, and intentionally watered “less” and I think I still over watered. Fingers crossed this time, I realize I need to keep humidity waaaay up to really get the roots going now.
Are you planting the seedlings directly into the soil or are you popping them in something prior to burying them?
@undefined have tried both but I have the most success with the paper towel method. Usually get a taproot within 24-48 hrs this way.
2 tips to easy watering. Only water 5% of the volume of your pot in water each time, and don’t water again until it’s dry.
@undefined thank you for the tip!