• Couldn’t be more excited right now!, I’m ready to begin my journey. My brain and I need to have a serious discussion.

    I’ll look forward to thanking you all in person next June, but for now. Thank you DGC, and especially to the ones that let me bother them with questions all the time. If not for your personal experiences, and knowledge, …

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    pzwags420, Laz and 6 others
    • Rock on dude I also excited for you mushrooms are fun to grow and the go so fast.

      • Yes. 6 months ago I got my first “fable”. Now I have 3, along with 2 big ass totes, a diy HEPA setup, a library of LCM, pour my own Agar plates. It’s become my current “special interest”. I’ve always got a couple of “chambers” growing. It’s been a wonderful journey.

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    • Found a nice spot in my house to put a dry tent, I understand that 60/60 is the goal right? But curious to see people’s drying methods, do you pull the whole root ball instead of chopping when you dry? I’m pulling the entire thing, making sure they are dirt free.. Than let it hang with the root ball still attached for a few days, than chop…

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      terpking, danknuggardens and pungolian
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      • Sounds interesting. Let us know how it works out. What the reason for keeping the root ball? More plant matter slower dry?

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      • jmystro (edited)

        Just cut the damn stalk and kill the plant already. Quit fuckin around. 😉

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      • Perfect dry is 21 days under 60F/60%RH. Day 21 lower RH to 55-50%RH. Day 28 seal in container at 50%RH. 40ishF is perfect storage temp. Never freeze.

        • I think Mystro has something to add 😜😜😜

          • If you can control the temp and humidity without wild swings, then full plant will be a nice slow, even, dry/cure.

            You might not need to do full plant if you’ve got it dialed in.

            Never heard of keeping the root ball

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          • Does anybody remember the DGC Brother that locked his keys in his car at the Cup?

          • Profile photo of plantparenthood

            plantparenthood posted an update 3 months ago

            3 months ago (edited)

            @everyone it’s going to be HOT this weekend! Make sure your garden is hydrated. 🪴🌲🌳

            budwinjones, danknuggardens and 4 others
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