• Profile photo of tangxd

      tangxd posted an update

      2 months ago

      hey yall new grower here no clue what im doing my roomate was the one growing he got pinched and wont be home till well after the grow should be over so now im tasked with figuring everything out do all of these look ready to transplant to 5gal ots and start veg or should i wait alittle longer the only thing ive been doing is watering and spraying foop spray on them every morning a 2hours before lights on and at night at lights off

      two in the bottom left or in mostly coco i did add some fox farm light warrior the rest are all lightwarrior soil look good guys? or gals peace yall

      • Time to transplant I use coco cior (no bugs)

        • all of them are ready? i plan to use fox farm ocean breeze and gaia green when it needs nutes how long do you think i should veg for heard 5-8 weeks was thinking around 5 these are all phots fem sorry if i didnt mention it

        • OK, what’s the scoop? Looks like you’re a camper. I can see the tent in the background. When you say your roommate was a grower… What do you mean? Is there a full room of adult plants and equipment needing your attention? Or are you starting with this and… Light fans what are you got?

          • oh its a full tent in my room mars hydro light fan exhaust im picking up a humidfier in a couple days this is a indoor grow in my room lol