• A few questions. Clearly this issue is has progressed far but First what type of deficiency is this? Second Can I fix it? Third is it too far advanced and would I be better off just culling her? Both of these ladies are clones taken same time, same soil, same water, same everything.

      ohigrow, tjrez and LoboGrow
      • Did one get overwatered? To the point where it had root damage? I’d be super curious to see if you tipped over both pots

        • @sunny possibly? but I’ve been hand watering same as other plants (some not pictured) and this seems to be the only one with a problem as well as using fabric pots.

        • I’m a noob so get a 2nd opinion, but I’d guess it’s a magnesium deficiency, and you may be able to bring it back with some epsom salt.

          • @BenThere that was my thought too! First time I’ve encountered this issue was looking to get some more opinions before taking action’s appreciate you

          • What nutes/ soil? How are you watering?

            • @scottyreal FF ocean forest soil and recharge every other watering nothing els. Possibly soil too hot? But again only one of the two plants and they all get the same everything (multiple plants)

              • Newleaf (edited)

                @Tdags4 How long have they been in those pots? Plant to pot size looks decent, so I’m guessing not too long. So just water and Recharge? No cal mag or liquid nutes yet? Do you plan to? If you’re planning on the route of just water and Recharge to the end, then a transplant is need soon. This would help either way. If you have unhappy roots some fresh soil will make them happy. If those are 3 or 5 gals then I’m guessing a 3×3 tent. Then I would go 10 gals. Still will prob need some supplemental nutrition at some point. If your going to use nutes or top dress then 5s or 7s should do. If liquid it’d be easier to lean towards 5s. Top dress, at least 7s

                If that’s all your adding, then you need to look at how much you are watering and when, what’s in your water, and starting ph. I like watering in at 6.5 for soil. Reacharge days you can be less picky about ph. But starting ph can tell you a litle more about whats in your water. City tap water with additives? You don’t want to water till runoff with your current method either.

                • @Tdags4 Just theres such a drastic difference between the two. Same bag of soil? Same time frame as the other? Hard to say ones just more hungry than the other.

                  • @Newleaf they have been in these pots for about 3 weeks now. No nutes at all use recharge every other watering, have been watering every 8-10 days have been watering to size of plants not the size of pot as well so I’ve had no run off. They are 5 gal pots and I have well water that I’ve tested a couple times not regularly of course that’s about 6.7. I’m just really confused it’s twin is perfectly fine the mother they came from is perfectly fine during flowering and they’ve all received the same care.

                • @scottyreal had watering as well sorry forgot that part

                • Newleaf (edited)

                  This looks like nutrient lockout of some sort. Overwatering and lack of oxyegen can contribute to lock out, but that’s not the main cause. Out of range Ph, excess salts, or an imbalance of nutrients is probably playing a bigger role. As scotty asked, we need to know more about your grow. What’s your water source like, ph/ppm? What nutrition are you using? How often are you watering? Your type of media has a lot to do with how often and how much water and nutrients you should be feeding. Lockout doesn’t mean add more nutrients because you see a deficiency. It means the nutrients aren’t plant available. Basically the good stuff your plants want are binding with other things in your media, and the plants can’t uptake them in that form

                  • That FF ocean forest….I just don’t trust it. Always had problems using that. I stick to the FF BushDoctor Coco Loco now.

                    • Newleaf (edited)

                      @tdags4 8 to 10 days is a huge gap! At this point you want to water the entire pot. Id say like a 1/4 (1quart) to 1/2 gallon every 2 to 3 days, for each pot. It’s definitely rooted in. What size pot did you transplant from when you went to the 5 gals?

                      • Newleaf (edited)

                        If that one pot is staying wet for those 8-10 days then that one isnt drinking

                        • @Newleaf so I guess I’m just an idiot and didn’t realize that I probably water twice a week which is only 7 days hahah but that’s literally about the exact amount of water used on each of those girls 1/4 gallon. Then I use the other half gallon on a larger plant and so on. Probably over shot on the transplant went from solo cup to 5 gal.

                          • @Tdags4 Twice a week would be every 3 or 4 days, is that what you mean? Every 7 would be once. You pick up the pots to feel how heavy when you water? And yes I would have probably gone to a 1 or 2 gal after solo, if 5 was my finish. What’s your ppm before recharge?

                            And your not an idiot!

                          • @Newleaf hahaha yes every 3-4 days so twice a week. That’s usually how I check to see if watering is needed is off of lifting the pots to check weight. Have not checked my ppm at all

                            • @tdags4 She could be hungry. But something looks off. Your best shot at saving her is a transplant in a bigger pot. You’ll be able to inspect the roots too, like sunny said.

                            • My first thought is there is something up with the roots. Could be lockout from either a root disease or overwatered. It’s strange that they had same everything. Something had to have had happened.

                              • I think it magnesium as I had a similar issue. You in coco? Epsom salts may help