• Profile photo of tesha-bakke

      tesha-bakke posted an update

      a week ago

      Hello my growing friends im new i started Critical Mass in Aug still have in veg stage until October 20th or so then going to switch to flowering. My question is should I snippy top or just let it do its thang than trim lil if needed im not sure what to do. Ive got a tent 4×2

      • Is it an auto or photoperiod? If photoperiod id top it but that me. Really depends on what you’re looking for and how big you want your plant.

        • I’m going let it veg til the 15th of October then flip to flower for 8 weeks.

          The buds are supposed to be big so Id perfer it to be manageable.

          • I gotta put my lights to 12 on 12 off Oct 15th. Now I’ve also heard to lollipop it so I got a lot I can play with just want it manageable with massive yield ✌️🫶😉💚🌱