thewookalarking, texasgrows and 6 others
Winter Frost – New Millenium (Bloom Boosters...again)
Getting experience with the basics and some good genetics I like before working on the last couple of % on top of it sounds like good advise to me 🙂 thank you.
texasgrows and goodguycanna -
When do you start training your autos?
today is day 19 on these tropchem candied cheese auto by Babylon burning selections, I germinated in solos, about day 3-4 I transplanted to one gals, and about a week ago they reached final home in these tall 5 gallon pots… I used 5 table spoons of grow dots to the 5 gallons of super soil and recharge this…
Looks good.
I too transplant my autos when I grow them. I started with autos and being a life long gardener already I just naturally used transplanting…works just fine.
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one-eyed-cat posted an update 6 months ago
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