DGC Texas – Austin . . . anyone?
myokgarden -
tjdirtsniffer, kushcommander and 6 others
rottenhawg posted an update 5 months ago
Perpetual Harvest at Day 56/35/14 . . . Back to front on the right is Irie Skunk and Tropical Smoothie . . . Back to front in the middle is Irie Skunk, Cheetah the Hut, and yet another Irie Skunk . . . Left side back to front is Bobby Knight, NY Blue Bubba, and Iron Throne . . . on deck in veg is another NY Blue Bubba, Lemon Jeffery, and Pre…
When do you start training your autos?
today is day 19 on these tropchem candied cheese auto by Babylon burning selections, I germinated in solos, about day 3-4 I transplanted to one gals, and about a week ago they reached final home in these tall 5 gallon pots… I used 5 table spoons of grow dots to the 5 gallons of super soil and recharge this…
Looks good.
I too transplant my autos when I grow them. I started with autos and being a life long gardener already I just naturally used transplanting…works just fine.
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