• Just a couple from a plantation

    danknuggardens, ohigrow and 3 others
  • If you live in canada and want to trade thc distillate for female photo period seeds let me know

  • Hamilton ontario canna crawl worth going to thy usually have lots of varieties of everything you can think of

    myokgarden and ohigrow
  • stoner message first one lol 2nd pic thca and 3 rd is just pot lol

    arsixx, budwinjones and 2 others
  • Do you drink sewage water ?????? I recently got an email from some one ??? Thy said most energy drinks actually have sewage water that’s been treated that’s why it say one red bull and monster 1 can a day not recommended for children or pregnant lady so is it healthy I would say no but what do I know no more energy drinks only coffee from…

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    • What in the world?

      • I mean I guess maybe…… but you do realize the best coffee in the world comes from shit right?

        • . That’s a really bad comparison by the way if coca coca and Pepsi advertise thy use sewage I would agree but thy hid that knowledge with fancy wording so way different did you know thy did that??? Why don’t thy say that on the cans ??? Would you drink it if the advertisement says we use the best sewage water the government pays us to take away…

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