I’m probably going to be hanging another new carbon filter this run. This would be my 3rd filter at this point, so I’m looking at these old ones and wondering how to dispose of them?
I don’t keep a scrap metal pile. Although my state is legal, I still keep my grow discreet, so I’m not going to “donate” to another’s scrap pile.
What’s some of my options beyond just tossing it into the landfill?
oldestschool, Saban1911 and surfdad_grows-
I just trash them. this next time I will buy the A C Infinity refillable one’s.
@retro they are all refillable.
Take it apart and see if you can make it refillable and keep it as a spare.
@surfdad_grows I can definitely take it apart and refill it, but there’s no way I can fill it as well (or cleanly) as the factory does. That’s the same reason I’m not down with ACI refillable models @retro .
@thrakattak no, you’ll never get it as good as factory unless you do it exactly how they do. Conserve your resources and do whatever to save money for another aspect of your grow. Or just keep buying new ones.
Refill them.
@oldestschool Have you done it? How do you find the filter’s effectiveness with the DIY refill?
@thrakattak what you need to know?
You need pics or what?
@oldestschool I’m guessing you’ve been refilling these for awhile, so maybe a comparison to a new one would be difficult? Wondering about it’s effectiveness vs new
Man, I’m bugh as heck and this keeps popping up. Did I answer your question?
@oldestschool what kind of charcoal? Activated? Where is the best place to get it from in bulk?
Half way finished rebuilding a tent sized filter. After I’ll be refilling a 150lb can filter
25 years old
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Pre-filter or screen to hold in ground charcoal. No need if using pellets and it’s cheaper then ground. Make sure activatied.
They rivets at top to be drilled out and replaced with sheetmetal screws.
More Pics and tips if needed just ask
The little round things are velcro to hold pre-filter
Head to dollar tree and buy a set of their stackable funnels and three poster board pieces. Figure out which funnel will cover the inner section of the filter when it’s upside down and squeeze a blob of tub and tile caulk into it to block it off. Lay out the three posterboards like they’re fanned playing cards and use duct tape to secure them to each other at the seams and then roll a funnel as you stick it in the hollow and a clothespin will keep it in place. Clean way to refill. I bought $25 filters for my 6″ers and $45 8″ and refill them every five months. I tried crushing cowboy charcoal but THAT was a mess, so I buy the retail stuff now. Saves me a bit I can spend on… weed!🤘🏼🤣🤘🏼
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Are you using tap water in your humidifier? Sometime that can produce a white residue that plugs the filter.
@mr-green-fingers I make RO water for my RDWC system, so I use the same water in the humidifiers
What i was trying to say is https://www.acinfinitycom/refillable-carbon-filters/