twinterptwerps posted an update
Just wanted to share with you guys my first time trying to grow a plant. I was 16 in my parents basement had a bedroom in the corner with sheets hung up as walls. A footon(or however you spell it) mattress an entertainment center with a tv on it and two old school speaker boxes on each side. They were my dad’s speakers from like the 60s or 70s with the big wooden frame. So I took the speakers out and covered the big hole and a computer fan in the little speaker hole. Put the front of the speaker back on and put a snake light in it with the old swerlly fluorescent plant light from Walmart in the box a solo cup and miracle grow and a brick weed seed inside. Got to about just when you get the leaves that actually look like something. My mom came down and vacuumed my room and saw a cord and light coming out the speaker box. Lol busted. They had the speaker box and everything sitting on the kitchen table when I came home. OhMan come a long way since then. This was probably 1998. Now my moms staying with me this weekend and I get to show her my grow and the beautiful plants that I get to grow today man what a feeling.she’s 73 yaers old and I just took a dab with her. I’m thankful for my life today!
ol-no-7, herb_hermit and 3 others-
My first was in a chest under my iguana cage. Was pretty slick for a 15 year old using bro science. Luckily I had halfway decent parents who busted my ass. If I had been successful I would have told everyone back then. Cops in Mt. Zion, Illinois already hated me. If they caught a whiff, my house would have been rushed into faster than a Denny’s after last call. Sorry Officer Muthiess. ( last name spelling murdered I’m sure ) You may have been right about some of your suspicions. Thank god for statutes of limitations right…