I have used 1 gal fabric pot can it be put in to a bigger pot . instead of repotting and disturb the root and stunning,(auto flower) ?? I k ow I should of put them in to there finishing pot 😭😰 sorry I
surfdad_grows, Sasquatch and casadelwhacko-
I am going to catch all kinds of hell for this…
I start Auto’s out of the wet paper towel method into a 1 gallon fabric pot from Amazon that end up costing me about a buck and a quarter when you buy them in mass. Rather than beat the plant up and seriously disturb the route zone, I take a pair of medical shears and cut the bag off. I recently bought 300- 1 gallon nursery bags from AC Infinity and use them in a flood grow and will start using them for my Auto’s too. They’re really thin material like a fabric softener sheet and can be peeled off and thrown away quite easily.
@casadelwhacko sorry i wasn’t clear I have used 1 gal I’ve changed my post now
@welshstoner84 I veg them for a couple of weeks in ones and up pot to sevens.
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@welshstoner84 Cut them out of the fabric pot and plan ahead better next time.
Fabric can be mended.
That makes it a great way to transplant your plant.
@oldestschool Somebody (The Green V Guys) make them with a Velcro strip but they’re spendy for what it is. I bought a snap button tool on Amazon and will try that too.
@casadelwhacko buying velcro strips and using a scissors would work right? I’m assuming one side of that velcro it’s going to stick to the fabric pot. Maybe not though.
@miljeff420 yeah… there’s about an inch overlap for the Velcro. Brilliant idea. The ones I cut were nearing end of their usefulness. I’d buy and use them in 5 & 7’s just to make retrieval of my spent coco easier!🤣
Definitely need to transplant
I do basically the same with coco pots.
1 gallon root pruning fabric pots should not be used to start plants you plant to transplant. You can remove or cut them out of the fabric pot. It’s just a pain in the ass. Use a 1 gallon plastic pot to start and then transplant them into a larger final root pruning pot.