• EZ Bake auto from Trilogene Day 70

    Gotta say I’m pretty disappointed in these, nowhere near the yield they say. Could be my fault I suppose.. This one is better than the last but I wish I hadn’t sprung for the 5 pack. I have another to take down in a day or two, I’ll try to remember before pics.

    goodguycanna, tjrez and 4 others
    1 Comment
    • First time with autos myself but we’ve had a crappy beginning to the season this year and mine in the first couple weeks got met with terrestrial downpours and frost. The caramel cream and the devil’s cream I’m growing all the way out, but I started more autos around the nicer weather with no stress and they still are only like half a foot…

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    • I noticed some of my plants growing roots through the bottom of their fabric pots. One in particular has almost a foot coiled up in the round tray underneath. I don’t check the trays often since I have very little runoff typically… I heard auto’s will start flowering early if the roots hit bottom too soon or something along those lines. Not… Read more

      lakeeriemonster, tjrez and 4 others
      • You’re looking to maximize your root mass. With other plants you could trim the roots and they would spread out.

        I don’t think you want to do that at all with autos. The less stress the better.

        Plop that plant, pot and all, in the bigger pot and let the roots grow into it. I think it you try to transplant and cut those roots you’ll push flower

        • …and get some risers for those plants. You won’t have that problem when you raise those pots up. The roots will hit the bottom, and prune themselves when they hit the air just like the sides of the pot.

        • One in black pot is a black domina fem given to me by a friend and the other one is a fast buds new fem ????? which one I ain’t got a clue I brought the mix pack and I’m having a surprise mf 😂,, it’s all a blast tho,,

        • Reply to Drying Temperature and Humidity

          Awesome discussion here growers! I just wanted to recommend Waykar brand for dehumidifiers. I run this one …

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        • Profile photo of Dude

          Dude posted an update 3 months ago

          3 months ago (edited)

          I was a proud parent teaching my daughter how to water the grow while I was away. Then she texted me a picture of our dog in the grow saying “look at my helper”😱 which brought on the discussion about how bugs get into the grow……

          ausstoner, jgwbuds44 and 44 others
          • 😬 Hopefully nothing jumped off in there. I get the look of guilt from my dog every time I enter the grow. It’s the only place I don’t allow him, and it drives him nuts lol.

            • Looks like your pup peed on the left side plant, probably gonna end up with yellow tips lol…..

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