• Here is my big lady im kinda pround of her even tho its not getting as mich light as i would like growers re charge and grow dots is the shit this is the white tahoe og in a 100 gallon im getting a bit overwhelmed of her size so idk if i should prune more of thd inside or bottom what do you guys think ?

    ohigrow, myokgarden and trichome_hunter
    • I like to finish pruning lower and inner branches before the end of the vegetative growth, the plant will heal the cuts better before flower onset. The amount of stuff you can safely leave down there is very strain and environnment related.

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    • Get that airflow

    • So here is the 2 im doing fem seeds or trying to so this auto triangle vrs alien reversed auto

      Then sky walker if im correct as the one who will give seeds i put them in there own area how ever i found midlew on the plant that had the pollen cut her down just because the weather here plus it started producing yellow pollen when i saw on the 30th

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      • The pollen wasn’t much out some in sunlight to dry smaller stuff I put in a dark area for 24 hrs and I started to pollenate her I did prune all big leaves and some smaller ones so it gets more airflow because of my humidity

      • I’m exclusively growing autos right now but still found this pretty funny. 🤣

        SurfDad_grows, tommy and 11 others
        • Do you care about cannabis’ gene pool in the future more than profit? I do. Fuck anyone ruining the gene pool with intersex and auto genes. They are both equally as bad. I see their greed, even with my eyes closed.

          • Ugh, more moderator bias. I grow autos so fuck me and the people that are breeding? What’s your problem guy? You can have your opinions but why be an asshole?

            • That’s what I hate about text. Strong opinions can come off the wrong way. I think homie might just be passionate. But from the little I know of both of ya, you are both passionate but also cool. You can tell me to fuq off its ok…

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            • I just hope it settles is all…

            • Laugh
              justinhale, SurfDad_grows and 8 others
            • Reply to Winter Frost – New Millenium (Bloom Boosters...again)

              Winter Frost has ethylene precursors that you only use for 1 week, starting about 3 weeks from harvest. Do not use it sooner as it will start the ripening phase that prevents chlorophyll production and other important processes. It can be mixed in a reservoir with your normal feed. It’s most beneficial use case is for long flowering plants…

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              bepennjier and plantparenthood
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