• Day 22 Runtz Muffin

      Bit of a change up.

      Ladies in small pots 7 litres.

      Water schedule, 1 litre one evening then around 1.5 litres to run off each alternative night. Pots are completely dry on second night but plants show no signs of drooping, absolutely perfect.

      Only cut the boost from this nutrient schedule, I didn’t quite have the cash due to my Thripp disaster as I had no funds to reinvest. Ah, the joys of a tight budget.

      Still spraying every 3-4 days with Cannacure© and using Canna A-B, Rizotonic, Cannazyme and will be using PK 13-14 on week five, as I said on week 3 day 22-23 at the moment.

      Runtz Muffin is definitely smelling fruity, will be keeping a good eye on her resin production and always on the lookout for grubs, leaf miners and flying pests. Using a slightly stronger mix of Cannacure, 250ml of product and 500ml of water, easy to make up in the supplied 750ml spray bottle.

      Oh and using a little Terpinator© to enhance flavour and smell.

      Crystal production on the Back to the Future lady is ridiculous, if it meets the smell and taste test is could be a keeper. My mate has grown it, where I got the clone, and it was pretty potent. If you knew him you would know that is impressive as he’s shite at growing. One of those dudes with a fucking time machine. I’ve had plants that have went into flower a week before his, same strain, and his has come down a week earlier…one of those cunts. If it has the terps it could be a keeper. Not entirely sure about the heritage.

      Anyone know? “BACK TO THE FUTURE”.

      kurtislingus, surfdad_grows and 4 others