Certain mixes can run too hot, I’ve personally not had it happen.
The key is in research and listening to what other growers have tried. They will tell you what will run too hot as they have tried it.
Generally you follow a feeding schedule so you don’t give too much nutrients at a time. Its all based on successfully following a plan. But if…
Is this light burn or nute deficiency or?
Lets start with what it is *not*.
Its not light burn, How do I know? There are leaves showing signs of deficiency beside ones that have none. If it was too much light then it would be centralized *where* there is too much light and not scattered throughout the plant.
It also does *NOT* appear to be a nitrogen deficiency and the reason being…
Would like some advice with watering in coco
I agree with the keep it simple until you know your grow. You can easily get caught up thinking you need a bunch of gear then never touching half of it. But if you keep it simple you will know what to add to your grow because that thing you needed to add… Not having it caused an issue, But that other thing you didn’t have? You would never have used.
Yup. They work good as far as I know. I’ve not had a harvest with them though.
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