• Flipped the lights Monday..can’t wait for the terraform 7 to ship..it may be a bit expensive,but for what it’s advertised to do.it should be more than worth it..especially for us underground basement dwellers..

      wraiths1, danknuggardens and 7 others
      • I hope you have cheap electricity where you are, otherwise, keep the reciept. 800w is like running 2x 5000 btu window ac units. It’s a cool all in one unit though. Handy for sure.

        • @TerpyTen yea,electrics not cheaper..but in the short term, the way I have to set up, this is my best option. my lung basement requires more than box store dehumidifiers can handle to get the whole basement humidity down.an added room isnt an option at the moment…the humidity and temperature is pretty bad right now..especially in the Appalachian Mountains where I’m at..

          • Ocean side of the Appalachians has been very desert like. We haven’t had any rain for 3weeks almost. Hot and dry 90 plus daily with humidity as low as 23%

          • It’s been 90’s here with 70+ humidity..I was just in Prince George, Va..an hour from the coast and it was about the same..where I live its not exactly a legal grow state..and my basement holds a lot of moisture..I have a dehumidifier in my tent but it’s not cutting it..I can get down to 68% and that’s it..but it also shoots the temps up well into the 90’s..I can’t pull air from upstairs because we have no Air conditioning and it’s hotter upstairs than in the basement with just as much humidity 😀..and no windows in the basement to put a/c..I intend to build a 12×12room in the basement but that’s a future endeavor..but till then,I gotta do what I gotta do..

            • Don’t stress it. The hubris of man thinking they can outlaw a plant or mushroom. smh Weed is legal in NJ but illegal to grow it…. unless you’re a multimillion-dollar company and you get $50k permits, then you can legally grow in the state. But this election, you’ll hear every candidate talk about how small business and private business is the backbone of America. 🙄Yet if I wanted to start a small business, I can’t because I can’t afford the permits and inspections and all the other bs. Just do you and let the government eat a fat dick. As long as you’re not out there selling, your stuff then nobody will care, and you’ll go unmolested. If you try selling stuff and you’re making money, the government gets upset that you’re not cutting them in on your money, so they send the extortion squad to lock you up and take everything you worked for.

              • moral of the story. Look out for yourself and don’t get greedy because there’s always someone greedier that will see you as a threat.

            • It’s all for personal..as you can see it’s only 3 girls..but I want the best quality possible..I think the rescheduling is just a way to give government and pharmaceutical companies control with federal regulations..it’s a bad move in my opinion..but what do I know, I’m just a bearded hillbilly..🤣 they can never stop us..we gotta stick together through these times..I’ve been around this plant for over 30 years..never thought I’d see it the way it is today, in my lifetime,but here we are..I started when 1 plant could get you a year+ in jail..God forbid you get caught with more than one..Now I haven’t heard of grow bust in our area for 5 or 6 years, nor have I seen any choppers..they can’t afford to look for us anymore with all the war spending..I chose to go indoor this year for the first time in over 15 years when hps was still king..but it’s my first tent and implementing more modern equipment and science since the information is out there now..I never worried about ph, humidity, ppm, ppfd, vpd..but I can tell a difference without a doubt, the science is working..it’s a good time to be a grower..