• I posted a pic a few weeks ago of a clone that rooted in a coffee mug on my counter. It looked great, but once I transplanted it into soil it started to droop and never picked back up. What do you aerocloner etc people do when transplanting into soil? Are there some tricks? I usually use jiffy pellets and don’t have issues, but it’s always fun to learn different techniques! Thanks! 🤙🤙🤙

      ol-no-7 and newgrowerinMN
      1 Comment
      • I use a DWC cloner, when you transplant into soil the pots need to be watered in till saturation .. those roots are used to being under water and as the pots dry out the clones get accustomed to the drier soil … Another tip is to use the water from the cloner itself to water the clones in the soil..
