• Profile photo of looplife

      looplife posted an update

      3 months ago

      Guve a shout out to everyone who is helping me along the way i have a few pics not in any order this is my first grow still alot to learn thank you guys for the support here and the valuable information given here a update i have a few in ground i have a few in 5 gallon buckets and half are autos other are bag seed biscotti and jack herer tge autos i listed before i am also using sts on one plant rite now on a auto then i will be using that pollen if i have enough time to create my own seeds from there ohh i also have one in a 100 gallong bag i also found a male in one of the bag seeds so far

      Recharge grow dots fish shit lost coast plant therapy cal mag silca and b1

      Will be using maxi bloom as a test on one plant just to see how it works outside etc

      didigrowthat, dirtdigger420 and ohigrow