• “Holly came from Miami, F.L.A.

      Hitch-hiked her way across the U.S.A.

      Plucked her eyebrows on the way

      Shaved her legs and then he was a she”

      Success!!! My first try at self pollinating using sts spray is a success! She has nuts! Now my question is what is going to be the best way to keep her/him from committing incest and screwing mom in the tent right beside her? When should I look for pollen and when will it be safe to leave the doors open again? Thanks for the help! Oh yes this is Shineapple from DSC. (VB Ghani x Screaming Eagle)

      didigrowthat, lakeeriemonster and 7 others
      • Moms shouldn’t have any stigma to accept pollen. Some plants in veg can produce pre-flowers you can pollinate to get a couple seeds. There is no concern otherwise.

        • @jmystro Obviously I don’t really know what im doing trying this self pollinating sts spray, lol. But we will see. Daughter clone is the one with the balls on her. Mom is in another tent and has been flipped. Appreciate your help and reply!