• Profile photo of Token_Machine

      Token_Machine posted an update

      2 months ago

      First off, spider mites suck! Been a long month but I refused to throw her out after a minor spider mite infestation. I spent the last month monitoring and scouting all day, but unfortunately, I had to leave her alone in the dark in her off time, but I think she will pull through. I did manual removal, ruthless misting, ladybugs and light spraying of GrowSafe Bio-Pesticide, (Organic and Natural Miticide, Fungicide and Insecticide). Time will tell, but she seems to be improving. I know how I got em too. Tree outside is infested and I brought them in doing yard work..@#%&!

      Shibbadabbadoo315, navin-johnson and 2 others
      • Hate a damn spidermite! Glad you found them early and hope you have corrected your problem!!! Bastages!!!

        • @pungolian Found them within a few hours I transplanted them going from outside straight to my grow room like a damn fool! Much appreciated tho and thanks for the positive vibe. It’s needed over here

        • I saw some little bugs on a sunflower I have in the yard. Was about to spray it with neem oil when I saw what I thought were some ants eating said bugs. Started cheering the ants on. Got one a Walmart gift card for his efforts. Come to find out the ants were taxiing these bugs and getting paid with bug money. Fuqqers!
