• Anyone else use ChatGPT in their grow? I have been working with it to help fine tune my “SOP”. As long as you give it all the info you can, it seems to do a pretty good job at making feeding schedules and such.

      Shibbadabbadoo315 and myokgarden
      • I was just thinking of that while trying to fall asleep last night. I knew I couldn’t be the only one thinking about it. Thanks for reminding me. Ima go play here in a sec…

        • I think sweets from IRIE Army was working on this a few months ago in the discord and smokers lounge

          • This is what it wants me to do with my current setup. (I told it all my available equipment and inputs)

            ### **Optimized SOP for No-Till Organic Cannabis Cultivation with Crop Steering Techniques**

            #### **1. Setup and Environmental Control**

            1. **Environmental Control:**

               – **AC Infinity Controllers:** Automate exhaust, humidity, and temperature.

               – **Timers:** For lights and manual watering schedule.

               – **Sensors:** Use temperature, humidity, and soil moisture sensors for real-time monitoring.

            2. **Watering:**

               – **Manual Watering:** Use a 1-gallon pump sprayer for top watering.

               – **Sub-Irrigation:** Maintain the reservoirs in your 15-gallon containers.

               – **Moisture Management:** Monitor the top 3 inches of soil using the Ecowit soil moisture meter. Aim for a moisture level of 30-40%.

            3. **Lighting:**

               – **Current Lighting:** 4x 100W HLG 100 Rspec full-spectrum LED lights.

               – **Height and Spacing:** Keep lights 18-24 inches above the canopy. Adjust height as plants grow.

            4. **Lux Meter Usage:**

               – **Measure Lux:** Regularly use a lux meter to ensure 25,000-50,000 lux during vegetative and 50,000-80,000 lux during flowering.

               – **Adjustment:** Ensure even light distribution across the canopy by adjusting the height and spacing of lights based on lux readings.

            #### **2. Soil Preparation and Maintenance**

            1. **No-Till Soil:**

               – **Base Soil:** BuildASoil 3.0 mix.

               – **Cover Crop:** Clover to fix nitrogen and maintain soil structure.

               – **Mulch:** Straw mulch to retain moisture and promote microbial activity.

               – **Worms:** Add worms to aid in soil aeration and nutrient cycling.

            2. **Soil Amendments:**

               – **BuildASoil Amendments:** Use products like Craft Blend and BuildAFlower Top Dress Kit to maintain soil fertility.

               – **Down to Earth Inputs:** Incorporate kelp meal, neem seed meal, and langbeinite for additional nutrients and pest control.

            #### **3. Seedling Stage (Weeks 1-2)**

            – **Germination:** Start seeds in water until roots develop, then transfer to small pots with BuildASoil Light Mix or similar.

            – **Lighting:** 18/6 light cycle, keeping lights 24 inches above seedlings.

            – **Watering:** Light watering with plain rainwater to keep soil moist but not waterlogged.

            – **Environment:** Maintain 70-75°F and 60-70% RH. Target VPD: 0.8-1.0 kPa.

            – **Transplant:** Transplant to 15-gallon containers with BuildASoil 3.0 once seedlings have developed a few sets of true leaves.

            #### **4. Pre-Transplant Stage (Week 2)**

            – **Sexing the Plants:**

              – **Cloning for Sexing:** Take clones from plants to determine sex early.

              – **Separate Breeding Tent:** Move male plants to the breeding tent (“stable”).

            – **Remove Males:** Remove and discard male plants from the main grow area to prevent pollination.

            – **Transplant:** Transplant female plants to 15-gallon containers with BuildASoil 3.0.

            #### **5. Extended Vegetative Stage (4-6 Weeks)**

            – **Crop Steering Techniques:**

              – **Light Intensity:** Keep at 25,000-50,000 lux.

              – **VPD:** Maintain at 0.8-1.2 kPa.

              – **Moisture Levels:** Keep soil moisture between 30-40% in the top 3 inches.

              – **Nutrient Application:** Increase nitrogen during this stage to promote vegetative growth.

            – **Week 1-3:**

              – **Lighting:** 18/6 light cycle, keep lights 18-24 inches above canopy.

              – **Watering:** Monitor moisture levels with the Ecowit soil moisture meter. Top water with a 1-gallon pump sprayer filled with plain rainwater when moisture drops below 30-35%.

              – **Reservoir:** Fill reservoirs every 3 days.

              – **Nutrients:**

               – **KNF Inputs:** Apply FPJ (1:1000 dilution) and FAA (1:1000 dilution) twice a week.

               – **C90:** Apply as a soil drench or foliar spray (1:1000 dilution) every 2 weeks.

              – **Top Dressing:** Apply Craft Blend and kelp meal.

              – **Foliar Spray:** Apply coconut water (1 tsp per gallon) once a week.

              – **Microbes:** Apply Rootwise Mycrobe Complete and BioCatalyst every 2 weeks.

              – **Environment:** Maintain 70-80°F and 60-70% RH. Target VPD: 0.8-1.2 kPa.

              – **Training:** Begin low-stress training (LST) to spread the canopy.

            – **Week 4-6:**

              – **Lighting:** Maintain 18/6 light cycle.

              – **Measure Lux:** Ensure consistent 25,000-50,000 lux across the canopy.

              – **Watering:** Continue monitoring soil moisture. Top water with a 1-gallon pump sprayer filled with plain rainwater when moisture drops below 30-35%.

              – **Reservoir:** Continue filling reservoirs every 3 days.

              – **Nutrients:** Continue FPJ and FAA twice a week. Apply C90 every 2 weeks.

              – **Top Dressing:** Apply Craft Blend and neem seed meal.

              – **Foliar Spray:** Apply LAB (1:1000 dilution) and aloe (1/4 tsp per gallon) weekly.

              – **Microbes:** Apply Rootwise BioPhos.

              – **Environment:** Maintain 70-80°F and 60-70% RH. Target VPD: 0.8-1.2 kPa.

              – **Training:** Continue LST and light defoliation for light penetration.

            #### **6. Transition to Flowering (End of Week 6)**

            – **Crop Steering Techniques:**

              – **Light Intensity:** Increase to 50,000-80,000 lux.

              – **VPD:** Maintain at 1.0-1.5 kPa.

              – **Moisture Levels:** Maintain soil moisture between 30-40% in the top 3 inches.

              – **Nutrient Application:** Shift focus to phosphorus and potassium to support flowering.

            – **Lighting:** Switch to 12/12 light cycle.

            – **Measure Lux:** Ensure 50,000-80,000 lux across the canopy.

            – **Watering:** Monitor soil moisture. Top water with plain rainwater when moisture drops below 30-35%. Fill reservoirs every 3 days.

            – **Environment:** Gradually lower temperature to 65-75°F and RH to 50-60%. Target VPD: 1.0-1.5 kPa.

            #### **7. Flowering Stage (8-9 Weeks)**

            – **Week 1-4:**

              – **Lighting:** 12/12 light cycle, lights 18-24 inches above canopy.

              – **Measure Lux:** Ensure 50,000-80,000 lux across the canopy.

              – **Watering:** Continue monitoring soil moisture. Top water with plain rainwater when moisture drops below 30-35%. Fill reservoirs every 3 days.

              – **Nutrients:** Apply FFJ and WCAP twice a week. Apply C90 every 2 weeks.

              – **Top Dressing:** Apply BuildAFlower Top Dress Kit at the start of flowering and mid-way through.

              – **Foliar Spray:** Apply LAB and aloe weekly.

              – **Microbes:** Apply Rootwise Mycrobe Complete and BioCatalyst every 2 weeks.

              – **Environment:** Maintain 65-75°F and 50-60% RH. Target VPD: 1.0-1.5 kPa.

              – **Training:** Light defoliation to maintain airflow and light penetration.

            – **Week 5-8:**

              – **Lighting:** Maintain 12/12 light cycle.

              – **Measure Lux:** Ensure 50,000-80,000 lux across the canopy.

              – **Watering:** Continue monitoring soil moisture. Top water with plain rainwater when moisture drops below 30-35%. Fill reservoirs every 3 days.

              – **Nutrients:** Continue FFJ and WCAP twice a week. Apply C90 every 2 weeks.

              – **Top Dressing:** Apply langbeinite mid-way through flowering.

              – **Foliar Spray:** Continue LAB and aloe weekly.

              – **Microbes:** Apply Rootwise BioPhos.

              – **Environment:** Maintain 65-75°F and 45-55% RH. Target VPD: 1.2-1.5 kPa.

              – **Training:** Remove large fan leaves blocking light.

            – **Week 9 (Flush Week):**

              – **Lighting:** Maintain 12/12 light cycle.

              – **Watering:** Flush with plain rainwater. Discontinue all nutrients and amendments.

              – **Environment:** Maintain 65-75°F and 45-55% RH. Target VPD: 1.2-1.5 kPa.

            #### **8. Harvest**

            – **Timing:** Harvest when trichomes are mostly milky with some turning amber.

            – **Drying:** Prepare drying area with 60-70°F and 60% RH. Hang the whole plant upside down for 7-14 days or longer if needed. Monitor for even drying.

            – **Curing:** Trim buds and place in glass jars. Open jars daily for the first week, then every few days for the next 2-3 weeks. Aim for 50-60% inside jar humidity.

            ### **Perpetual Grow Cycle:**

            1. **Stagger Planting:**

               – Start a new batch of seedlings every 2-3 weeks to ensure continuous harvests.

               – Rotate plants between vegetative and flowering tents as needed.

            2. **Monitor and Adjust:**

               – Regularly check and adjust environmental conditions, light intensity, and watering schedules based on sensor readings.

            ### **Cloning and Breeding:**

            1. **Cloning:**

               – **Water-Only Aero Cloner:** Use this to take clones during defoliation for sexing, breeding, and maintaining the perpetual grow cycle.

               – **Cloning Process:**

                – Take healthy cuttings during defoliation.

                – Place cuttings in the aero cloner with plain water.

                – Maintain humidity at 70-80% and temperature at 70-75°F.

            2. **Breeding Tent:**

               – **Separate Tent:** Use this space to house male plants for breeding purposes.

               – **Breeding Process:**

                – Move selected males to the breeding tent.

                – Collect pollen for controlled pollination.

            ### **Additional Tips:**

            – **Batch Processing:** Handle tasks like nutrient mixing and reservoir refilling in batches to save time.

            – **Record Keeping:** Keep a log of activities, observations, and adjustments to track plant health and optimize processes.

            – **Health Monitoring:** Regularly inspect plants for signs of pests, diseases, and nutrient deficiencies.

            • Meta (Full Disclosure: I am a Meta employee) has an internal only procedural AI explicitly designed for handling contextually dependant procedural writing. I can’t wait to have public access to that because I need a daily schedule for each phase of the grow. I’m so totally lost right now.

              • Could you hook up a tour of “Zuck’s” new Doomsday Bunker in Hawaii?

                • @myokgarden I would, but then he would just send ZuccInator 1000’s after us both.

                  Seriously though, I just want the rib roast from one of the cows he’s supposedly only feeding Macadamia Nuts and Guinness! 🤣

                  • Alex Jones made it into Bohemian Grove. Sure technology has advanced a bit since then, but just let the thought marinate a bit. Shit, smother some on that Guinness and Nut fed cow living in your head rent free. It might just be time for that cow to pay the piper if you’re picking up what I’m putting on the pancakes. Just kidding “Mark.” Big fan of your planet!

              • By the temperature it’s telling you to use I can tell that chat GPT doesn’t know how to grow cannabis those flowering temperatures are way too low for the majority of the flowering cycle especially if you’re growing under LED lights and I don’t hit 65-70 until the end of the flowering cycle like the last 3 weeks