• I got 4 shawtys from ethos going in coco with grow dots. I’m only adding water from the tap, ppm is around 440. I noticed leaves twisting and not a lot of new growth. I checked ppm and ph. Ppm is as up over 1000 on 3 and the ph was around 6.2-6.5 on the same 3. The 4 plant is a lot bigger and ppm was 900 and ph was 6.8. Does there need to be runoff using coco with grow dots? I want to use the bottom watering bases from ac infinity. But ppm keeps climbing over 1000-1300


      justinhale and goodguycanna
      • Damn that’s a high ppm from your tap lol. Mine is only 42 ppm.

        I think the general ppm range is 700-1400, but dependent on things like growth stage, strain and how well it handles nutrients, ect…

        I can’t say for bottom feeding in coco, I’ve not used coco or any bottom feeding setups before. Closest I’ve got is with the Coco Loco that I’m currently using. But I guess if it stays properly saturated. And the real growers website it says there’s no need for run-off in coco with grow dots. And how quickly the grow dots release nutrients is temperature dependent. Higher media temps will make them release faster. And 70 degrees is ideal temp for you want your media which will allow feeding for up to 4 months.

        • Does your city or county put out a water report?