• It’s all coming together! Check out my grow room so far! Tomorrow we start putting up wall to wall sections of mylar and then we start installing airlocks. Lastly for the first round will be installing the carbon exhaust filter.

      Round two, likely next week, will consist of getting rid of the bed to move my office down into this space as well, in addition to starting to figure out how to better subdivide the room.

      Phase 3 will be once I’ve figured out what works for me, I will subdivide the room into 4 work spaces, and put up thin light and air tight walls and doors. The goal is for the room to provide a grow space for as many as 5 plants, with separate areas for drying/isolation of new cuttings or plants I may receive/soil preparation and cuttings in the very back, a “room” for each phase of the life cycle of the plant. I figure this eventually means one area for seedlings / clones to mature sufficiently that it can go under 24hr light in a real bucket in the first room. A room for the 18/6 (or would 16/8 or 20/4 work better? I know less than I want to about this. And then a 12/12 room for light. All areas will get fresh air via a fan powered air intake from outside the house, at a rate sufficient to completely cycle out the air in the room 3 to 4 times a minute. All spaces will exhaust via a common carbon filter exhaust fan.

      Am I getting anything wrong here? Any fatal flaws or improvements I can make?

      I have a video of the room that I want to post, however it crashed the app last time I tried, so I will be attempting to upload it separately from this update.

      Papa_Shaman, Token_Machine and 6 others